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Monday, 20 May 2013

Quantum chemistry

Quantum chemistry

Ab initio method development in modern valence-bond theory, excited state methods and calculation of magnetic properties; ground-state and excited state aromaticity and antiaromaticity; electronic structure of Möbius aromatic hydrocarbons (Dr Peter B Karadakov);  electronic structure and reactivity of unusual main-group-element compounds (Dr John Slattery); electronic structure of aromatic molecules and molecular complexes (Dr Martin Cockett, Dr John Moore, Dr Laurence Abbott); reaction mechanisms (Dr Peter B Karadakov, Dr John Slattery, Dr Jason M Lynam, Dr Martin Cockett, Professor Simon Duckett, Dr Paul Clarke, Professor Robin Perutz); computational catalysis (Dr John Slattery, Dr Martin Cockett, Dr Jason M Lynam, Professor Simon Duckett, Professor Robin Perutz, Professor Ian Fairlamb); electronic structure and properties of halogen bonded complexes (Dr Peter B Karadakov, Professor Duncan W Bruce); structure and energetics of ionic molecules and clusters (Dr Caroline Dessent)
PES for alkyne-vinylidene tautomerisation

Spectroscopy, photochemistry and excited states

Ground and excited-state structure and dynamics of organic dyes and transition metal complexes (Dr Laurence Abbott and Dr John Moore); non-covalent interactions in molecular complexes (Dr Martin Cockett); multidimensional Franck-Condon calculations and simulation of electronic spectra (Dr Martin Cockett); excited-state magnetic properties (Dr Peter B Karadakov)

Simulations in materials science and biochemistry

Simulation of liquid crystals and complex systems (Dr Martin Bates); virtual screening of potential pharmaceuticals (Hubbard); computational chemistry of small, conformationally flexible biomolecular ions (Dr Caroline Dessent)

Atmospheric modelling

Understanding the composition of the troposphere through box, regional and global modelling including the use of observations to constrain uncertainties (Professor Mat Evans , Dr Rickard)
Complexity figure

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Spin dynamics as a platform to implement computation; development of NMR pulse sequences by means of numerical simulations and novel search algorithms such as genetic alogorithms (Sebald); ab initio calculation of NMR properties (Dr Peter B Karadakov); understanding hyperpolarisation in NMR spectroscopy (Professor Simon Duckett)

Statistical thermodynamics

Molecular theory of solubility, thermodynamics of protein solvation and statistical thermodynamics of solution (Dr Seishi Shimizu).

Chemometric algorithm development

Chemometrics, biostatistics and image analysis (Dr Julie Wilson)
Cluster figure

Crystallographic software development

Software tools for protein crystallography (Dr Kevin Cowtan)

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